Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea)

Welcome to the world of marine Ikebana poetry, an innovative genre you can enjoy seeing and reading inside the quality pages of the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) photo book series!

First, what is marine Ikebana poetry?

Ikebana is a traditional Japanese art form of flower arrangement. The aesthetics involved in such bouquets is very different from what you’ll see in the West, but if you prefer a minimalist style, muted colors and lots of open spaces, you’re going to LOVE it.

Marine Ikebana poetry is a genre of visual poetry first brought to life with the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) poetry albums. Such visual poetry is inspired by Ikebana, but uses lyrics or verses instead of branches and marine seashells instead of planters, pots, flowers and leaves.

Infographic on what is marine Ikebana poetry such as free verse poetry, visual poetry, a type of Ikebana flower arrangement that uses seashells instead of flowers and lyrics instead of branches, using marine objects found in the sea, mostly seashells. Marine Ikebana poems available as: beautiful artist photo books for seashell and poetry collectors, art prints wall decor, gorgeous homeware gifts sea lovers will dive for
Infographic on what is marine Ikebana poetry such as free verse poetry, visual poetry, a type of Ikebana flower arrangement that uses seashells instead of flowers and lyrics instead of branches, using marine objects found in the sea, mostly seashells. Marine Ikebana poems available as: beautiful artist photo books for seashell and poetry collectors, art prints wall decor, gorgeous homeware gifts sea lovers will dive for

What are the poetry themes included?

Below you’ll find some poetry themes examples.

The Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) includes:

  • short poems on pregnancy
  • poems on motherhood
  • poems about childbirth
  • poems about art and creativity
  • poems about artists
  • poems about nature
  • famous poems on mortality
  • poems on grief and mourning
  • visual poems about life
  • poems about isolation
  • poems about confinement
  • poems about the sea
  • poems about science and its importance
  • poems about plastic pollution as well as poems about single use plastic
  • poems about imperfection and the search for perfection
  • poems about diamonds and poems about the carbon cycle
    • Plus the following types of poems:
  • poems that don’t rhyme
  • poems that don’t look like poems
  • poems visual imagery
  • short visual poems

If you’re looking for a beautiful example of coffee table poetry books, this is it! You’ve come to the right place and the only thing left is to order one or several books from the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) series to arrive at your doorstep.

The hardcover photo books can be ordered from:

The photo books can be shipped to the following countries and territories:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe (French), Guam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Reunion (French), Romania, Saint Barthelemy, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands (British)

The paperback photo books can be ordered from Amazon as well as from several US and UK bookshops.

Introduction from the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) photo book series

The Black Sea doesn’t ship the most colorful or ornate seashells on its beaches, yet restrained in spines and threatening colors, such smooth seashells in muted colors form the pillars of this collection of designs. New life was blown into such pieces as they became the vases, the leaves, the flowers and the buds of the offbeat marine Ikebana compositions you are about to see.

Sometimes met with anxiety and other times met with nostalgia, impermanence is the main yarn spun throughout these visual poems where I talk about the effort poured into creating quality art that ends up forgotten and into raising minds shining like diamonds who nevertheless crumble into dust. I also talk about serendipitous artifacts of nature that nevertheless last far longer than expected. Carbon life forms that switch places on the wheel of life and death as well as carbon that turns into diamonds. Apparently timeless diamonds that reenter the cycle of carbon once turned to smoke and ashes.

Throughout all these yarns, aquatic words form the skeleton of this volume: from blue open space to subtle waves, snow flowers, lyric seascapes and swimming letters, water permeates these pages even if the books you are about to hold are dry.

Many poems are colored by my medical background as I talk about the art of making art out of disease and spinning suffering into something not necessarily worthwhile, but at least bearable. The scientific branch of medicine helps sustain life during emergencies, but the beauty of art makes those added moments of life worth living for. Inspiring art will not relieve an asthma attack, but it may make searching for hard-to-find medical help worthwhile.

Visual poem excerpts from volume I

Click on the link below that will take you to Blurb if you’d like to order Volume I of the “Diamond Dust” book series!

If the link below doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your browser:


Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) Volume I
Diamond Dust (…
By Anca Ioviţă
Photo book

Visual poem excerpts from volume II

Click on the link below that will take you to Blurb if you’d like to order Volume II of the “Diamond Dust” book series!

If the link below doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your browser:


Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) Volume II
Diamond Dust (…
By Anca Ioviţă
Photo book

Visual poem excerpts from volume III

Click on the link below that will take you to Blurb if you’d like to order Volume III of the “Diamond Dust” book series!

If the link below doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your browser:


Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) Volume III
Diamond Dust (…
By Anca Ioviţă
Photo book

Visual poem excerpts from volume IV

Click on the link below that will take you to Blurb if you’d like to order Volume IV of the “Diamond Dust” book series!

If the link below doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your browser:


Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) Volume IV
Diamond Dust (…
By Anca Ioviţă
Photo book

Visual poem excerpts from volume V

Click on the link below that will take you to Blurb if you’d like to order Volume V of the “Diamond Dust” book series!

If the link below doesn’t work, copy and paste it in your browser:


Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) Volume V
Diamond Dust (…
By Anca Ioviţă
Photo book

You can also read the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) series in hardcover format for FREE at the following libraries:


The Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) is now available for
FREE in hardcover format at the Poetry Center library from the University of Arizona, USA
Exophony is writing in a language that is not one’s mother tongue, as for example the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) series
Exophony is writing in a language that is not one’s mother tongue, as for example the Diamond Dust (Poems From the Black Sea) series

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